In San Francisco, survivors can receive free medical attention by going to the Emergency Department at Zuckerburg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center at 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110. At the Emergency Department survivors are seen by nurses from the Trauma Recovery Center / Rape Treatment Center.
Five days is the maximum time period in which forensic evidence (including drug testing), and emergency contraception (morning-after pill) can be administered.
Three days is the maximum time period for medical HIV prevention treatment (commonly called “PEP”.)
STD screening and treatment can be offered at any time. If five days have passed since the assault, and you would like medical treatment call the Trauma Recovery Center / Rape Treatment Center at 415-437-3000.
During the medical exam, if the survivor wishes to pursue legal action, s/he may have forensic evidence collected, and choose to make a police report at this time. The police department will process or hold evidence from a sexual assault exam. The longer the survivor waits to press charges the less likely any legal action will be taken against the perpetrator. In other words, the sooner a survivor presses charges, the stronger his or her case will be.