Consent is…
- Agreement.
- Communication. All people have clearly expressed their agreement.
- Asking and giving permission.
- Active, not passive.
- Free will. All people are equally free to act.
- Power Balance. There is equal access to power and control in the relationship.
- Choice. All people can change their mind at any point.
- Sobriety. All people are fully aware; they are not asleep, unconscious, or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
- Assuming “no” until hearing “yes”.
Consent is NOT…
- Disagreement.
- Assuming or guessing permission is granted.
- Submission under the influence of fear, coercion, or intoxicants.
- Going along with someone because of wanting to fit in, to get it over with, or because one feels bad or has been deceived.
- No choice. If someone is unwilling to accept a “No”; a “Yes” becomes meaningless.
- Assuming “yes” until hearing “no”.