SFWAR’s Community Initiatives (CI) Program provides both youth and adults rape prevention education and supports communities in mobilizing to confront, reduce, and ultimately end sexual violence.

Community Initiatives:
- Recognizes that education is a necessary foundation to support community organizing and mobilization to end sexual violence.
- Utilizes an anti-oppression framework, as we understand that oppression (i.e. sexism, racism, classism, ableism, heterosexism, transphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, etc.) contributes to sexual violence. So, to end rape we must actively challenge all forms of oppression.
- Addresses a spectrum of violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or violence in intimate and dating relationships.
- Supports communities as they develop their own culturally relevant solutions to end violence.
- Prioritizes working with, in, and for communities that have historically experienced high rates of sexual violence and are under/unserved. Members of these communities often face multiple barriers when accessing services due to discrimination and a lack of culturally appropriate services
CI activities include interactive culturally relevant prevention education presentations for youth and adults; training for staff of community agencies; outreach and education to individuals through tabling and facilitated discussions at community fairs and events; community-specific self-defense
CI activities include interactive culturally relevant prevention education presentations for youth and adults; training for staff of community agencies; outreach and education to individuals through tabling and facilitated discussions at community fairs and events; community-specific self-defense
classes/demonstrations; and printing and distributing culturally relevant written materials. In addition, CI coordinates 3 community-specific organizing projects – STAND (Students Talking About Non-violent Dating), the Peer-2-Peer Outreach & Organizing Project, and the Life Healing Project.