SFWAR Referral Guide
SFWAR’s referral guide has over 350 resources for survivors, significant others and service providers. Covering areas such as Child Sexual Abuse, Counseling, Body Work, and Employment, this guide has been invaluable to us. We hope that you will find it helpful as well.
Talking about the tough stuff: A youth guide to understanding sexual violence
Immigration Center for Women and Children / Centro de Inmigración para Mujeres y Niños
San Francisco Office
3543 18th Street, Suite 32
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: 415.861.1449
Fax: 415.861.1681
Huckleberry Youth Programs
24-Hour Teen Hotline: 1(415) 621-2929
Huckleberry Youth Programs:
- Crisis Shelter – Huckleberry House 1292 Page Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
- Counseling Programs
- Support for Trafficked Youth
- Huckleberry Health Care & Health Education in SF and Marin
- Huckleberry Wellness Academies – Career Training & College Access
- Juvenile Justice Diversion